Saba Jewellers LLC

Saba Jewellers was establised in septemper 1981 in the city of Ras-al-khaimah. Being one of the 1st gold showrooms in Ras-al-khaimah, it has managed to become a household name in the city.

By adopting a very competitive pricing strategy for the latest and exclusive design gold jewellery, Saba Jewellers have managed to maintain its very strong position in the market.




Shabab Jewellers LLC

Due to high public demand Hashims group established a second showroom in the city of Ras-al-khaimah by the name of Al Shabab Jewellers in 1989. Following a similar strategy of Saba Jewellers, Al Shabab Jewellers is catering to the new gold market by promoting Contemporary and artistic designs in the Jewellery world.



Saba Al Dhahabi Jewellers LLC

Further expansion was carried out in the Emirate of Sharjah to cater the growing demand of our products there.

Located in the main Gold souq of Sharjah, the showroom maintains a very robust customer base.